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Community Efforts

At Bringing our Valley HOPE we support survivors by making HOPE bags and blankets in cooperation with Reclaiming Hope in Colorado Springs.  If a local civic or religious group would like to host an event, please contact us! 


We join with nations worldwide each fall for the A21 Freedom Walk


We have supported the Freedom Ride which is a bicycle ride through the Colorado mountain passes to raise money to completely fund an orphanage in Africa for the babies of sex trafficked women.  


WE EDUCATE the next generations in our public schools and give them resources and strategies to keep them from becoming victims.

WE EDUCATE the public to increase awareness and to prevent human trafficking before it begins. Each year we offer several free instructional seminars to the Chaffee County public.  Contact us if you would like more information about hosting one of these events.

 Community Efforts 2024

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Christmas Stockings for Survivors Partnering with Reclaiming Hope 

Community members shopped for items to fill Christmas Stockings.  We also made 15 blankets for Reclaiming Hope's Hope Bags that are given to survivors at their point of rescue.  51 HOPE Bracelets were made to sell at our community events as a fundraiser effort.  

Buena Vista 9th Grade

Human Trafficking Education

Jocosa Olsen, Lori Crocco, Jeffrey Lopez, Pam Williams (High School health teacher), Laura Lee Schaufler, Betty Swartz-Bozeman and Teresa Moen (not pictured) educated Freshmen in health class about the dangers of human trafficking.

Beth Ritchie, Betty Swartz-Bozeman and Kirsten Wulfsberg presented at the Teller County Suicide Prevention Symposium on March 1, 2024.  People who have been trafficked have a very high chance of suicide.

Beth Ritchie and Betty Swartz-Bozeman presented Human Trafficking 101 to the Leadville, CO community in May 2024.

Bringing our Valley HOPE is a 501(c)3 non profit

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