Bringing our Valley HOPE
Helping Others Providing Education
National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-3737-888
Colorado Human Trafficking Hotline 866-465-5075
The following organizations are also working hard to make
human trafficking a thing of the past.
Find out what they are doing, and the information they have to share.
A21 - (21st Century Abolitionists) - Located in 14 locations in 12 countries, A21 works to reach, rescue and restore victims of human trafficking. They also have an online shop with apparel and educational materials.
Reclaiming Hope (formerly Restore Innocence) This Colorado Springs non profit mission is to rescue, restore and reintegrate trafficking survivors​
​Empathize - A school program "Empower Youth" to prevent exploitation.
U COUNT Campaign- Raises awareness of sex trafficking and supports at-risk individuals globally.
LCHT - Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking - Works to create social change to eliminate exploitation. They also host the human trafficking hotline and text line for Colorado.
Southern Colorado Human Trafficking Task Force - Preventing human trafficking. Intervening in trafficking through a collaboration of organizations and connecting survivors to restoration.
#End It Movement - - A coalition of anti-human trafficking organizations.
Polaris - - Helping human trafficking survivors find freedom.
The Blue Campaign - One voice, one mission: end human trafficking.
Truckers Against Trafficking - Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) is a 501(c)3 that exists to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the trucking, bus and energy industries to combat human trafficking. Our Goals. To saturate trucking and related industries with TAT materials
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Resources for Trafficking Victims, Healthcare Workers and Colleges